"And the bramble said unto the trees, If in truth ye anoint me king over you, [then] come [and] put your trust in my shadow: and if not, let fire come out of the bramble, and devour the cedars of Lebanon. "-Judges 9:15
After the recent (July of 2006) "war" in Lebanon, I decided to make this website to do my own little re"search". Did you know that Lebanon is mentioned 71 times in 64 verses in the Bible? I was very interested in the particular verse above, which I did some re "search" on the "cedars of Lebanon"-heard many times...
It's August 13 and a cease fire is coming, which I decided to look for some current news:
Israel At War, from Koinonia House on July 18th "The fighting began last Wednesday, in the early morning hours, when terrorists launched a barrage of rockets into a town near the Israeli-Lebanese border. However the rockets were a diversion. A few miles to the east, Hezbollah (moqawama-global security info)guerrillas crossed the border, fired anti-tank missiles at two armored vehicles, seized two soldiers, and killed at least seven others. Israel called the raid an "act of war" and has since attacked Lebanon by air and sea and has sent in troops to look for the captured soldiers.
Israel is now batting on two fronts. While war rages in the north, Israel has continued its counter-terrorist offensive in Gaza. Tensions in the region have grown increasing fragile, and violence threatens to consume the entire Middle East." Believers delivering relief, despite major challenges.
August 14, 2006 (Mission Network News) "International Aid recently sent five-thousand hygiene kits into the war-torn regions of Lebanon and Syria.
They've partnered with the International Medical Corps to better streamline humanitarian relief efforts. The supplies made it inland, but distribution may be a challenge given the rapidly changing nature of the region.
Approximately 180,000 displaced people are living in Syria, some 67,000 in public sites including schools and camps.
International Aid is now evaluating further response. Their team members serve the physical needs in order to be an example of the love of Christ to those they're helping. If you want to help, contact International Aid through their information listed below." Discernment and Reconciliation amidst the Fog of War
By Salim Munayer, Ph.D
Special to ASSIST News Service (Saturday, August 12th) "This article has made certain observations in attempt to discern how God's people should act, as we are called to be peacemakers amidst the fog of war."
"Lebanon (MNN) ― In the Middle East, Lebanon has the largest indigenous Christian community by percentage; around 30 percent of Lebanon's population is comprised of believers.
Some of these believers have influential roles in Lebanon media, and they shared their faith recently on a special SAT-7 Easter program titled "And Follow Me." As hosts of many well-known Lebanon T.V. programs, many viewers weren't aware that they were Christians.
The hosts shared the importance of their faith and profiled a number of ministries working to help the area's poor, refugees and orphans. Also featured were a number of musical performances recorded in front of a live studio audience.
The vast majority of people in the Middle East don't know the claims of Jesus: His divinity, His death and resurrection. Most non-Christians are taught that Jesus was only a man, and they believe that Judas either took Christ's place on the cross or that Jesus didn't really die and was later revived. A holiday such as Easter, which celebrates Christ's resurrection, is foreign to many in the Middle East.
SAT-7 broadcast the truth of Easter through their holiday special and many other Easter programs shown through the month of April. Live youth and children's shows, films, live church services, and documentaries all describe the reality of Christ's resurrection.
Pray that these special programs will prompt many to inquire about the Gospel and search the Scriptures.
Over $750,000 is needed to cover the costs of special productions, programming and air time for all three SAT-7 channels. If you could help meet these financial needs, click here to donate."
Christian Lebanese Arab talks about her life, Arabs and Israel (7)
"Brigitte Gabriel, a Christian Lebanese Arab, talks about her life, Arabs and Israel. She tells the story of her life, how she grew up in times of war in Lebanon. She learned early in her life that the moslems, Arabs like herself, were her deadly enemies, who tortured and shot Christians randomly. The Jews on the other hand repeatedly saved her life and the lives of her family, asking for nothing in return ...
A moving first-hand account, a story you won't be told by the western ma$$ m€dia ...
The islamization of Lebanon should serve as a stern warning to the rest of the world: The Lebanese accepted the "palestinian" refugees - no other country let them in ! -, and once they were in the country, they turned violently against their benefactors. More or less the same is happening all over the world today.
Brigitte Gabriel wrote a best-selling book, "Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America" which I encourage you to read. "
Church funded by Gig Harbor nonprofit damaged during battles in Lebanon
Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle) - August 4, 2006by Clay HoltzmanStaff Writer "The founder of a Gig Harbor-based nonprofit organization says he has learned that a church his organization helped build has been damaged in heavy fighting in southern Lebanon.
In the July 28 edition, the Puget Sound Business Journal profiled David Williams and Salaam International, the nonprofit he helped start in 1994 to help people in southern Lebanon. At press time for that report, bombs were falling within earshot of the church, but none had struck the building. "
"..We were in an area of Beirut controlled by the PLO and other Muslim forces. We had no problems, we were received with open arms. I preached in freedom the gospel of Jesus and carried the cross in most of the Palestinian camps, including Satilla (also known as Shatila and Chatila) and Sabra (which were to be massacred in 1982). We also carried the cross in Tyre where Jesus was, where one of the earliest churches was founded. Bombs had hit it recently but the dear followers of Jesus did not flee, as they had refused to in the past 2,000 years.
I also went up to the Bedford Castle that overlooks Israel. It is a strategic military base and I could look out to where I had carried the cross in 1977 in Israel only a few miles away.
I also carried the cross into the Palestine Christian Refugee Camps. Many people think there are only PLO, but there are many Christians, they came from Christian cities in Palestine, Bethlehem, Nazareth and others.
A Catholic priest walked with us and translated as we preached Christ. Great crowds gathered to see and hear. They wanted to take us to another church in West Beirut several miles away. I wanted to walk there but the people thought it was too far.
"Oh, we will help you," and a group of young soldiers grabbed the cross and put it Cross on jeep with teen gunmen.on the jeep. It had a machine gun mounted on it, and ten young fellows from the ages of 13 to 17 carried it on the jeep, all with machine guns except for one midget carrying bullets. I leaped on the jeep as it took off.
I was raced through the streets. Only two of the boys were uniformed. The others were in regular clothes. A 15-year- old boy was driving... what a sight! The 12 foot cross, me and a Bible, with about ten armed teenagers of the PLO in a jeep, racing through the streets of Beirut. What away to die!
At one point the jeep almost turned over. It was on two wheels. The horn was blowing, the engine was racing at full speed. We almost hit a car. The midget lost some of his bullets. He wanted to get off and recover them, but the driver roared off at full-speed! We passed blown-up buildings, and numerous roadblocks of troops. The traffic lights did not work, so at intersections troops just waved their guns. The biggest gun won the right of way.
Finally we got to the church. We must have been quite a sight, me and the boys. The boys took the cross off the truck and carried it into the church. The stunned priest could not speak. Here was a group of Muslim gunmen carrying the cross into a church with me, walking behind it. He welcomed me with a big smile.....
*see GoodnewsEverybody.com Movies: The Passion, Crucification, Easter, Resurrection, etc..
"FE ALHZEAA AL RABAA - In the fourth hour. This beautiful video clip of an Arab song was shot in Jordan. It includes violin music, gorgeous Jordanian nature. Song by Songs of Heaven team ( more )"
"Lebanon bachir gemayel ouwet lebanese forces samir geagea kataeb jesus christ mary christian amin bachir gemayel pierre gemayel strida geagea sami gemayel lebanon ahrar chamaoun 14 march ouwet hariri rafik saad joumblatt walid psp" Bachir Gemayel
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Early Life
Bachir was born on November 10, 1947 in the Achrafieh neighborhood of Beirut, the youngest of six children. The Gemayel family is originally from the Bikfaya village in the Matn District of Lebanon and is one of the most influential Christian families in Lebanon. His father was Pierre Gemayel, who founded the Phalange party in 1936 as a youth movement. The Phalange, though always secular, received most of its support from Christians and, in particular, Maronite Catholics...
divine miracle in south lebanon village
"After Bint Jbeil's Martyrs Tree witnessed the miraculous growth of 43 green leaves from its dead stem, numbered exactly after the names of the martyrs whose names had been carved on small blocks of wood pinned to its branches, it became a visiting site. Thousands of visitors flooded everyday from different parts of the world. From ministers, deputies, judges, mayors, Muslim and Christian religious scholars, to academics and agricultural scientists of different specializations (whose signatures have filled the guestbook), everyone seemed to be perplexed.
The tree has attracted journalists both inside and outside Lebanon. Russian and Chinese television were both there to report about the "miraculous" tree. "
lebanon beautiful country and the christian heart land
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